Oct 30, 2009

Sure, Honey, I can Ride a Bull

Wedded bliss. Exchanging keys to each others'  hearts.  Everything's fresh and new. Feels like the honeymoon will last forever. 

Until deception kicks in. 

So my fake/actor husband, Dwayne, and I were auditioning for this national commercial and the casting director made us swear we weren't allergic to the product. 

My husband was probably lying.

Dwayne confessed to me that he's been dishonest before in auditions. One role he booked called for swimming in the ocean but the director decided to shoot Dwayne's scenes in a boat instead. 

Lucky for Dwayne. The truth is Sugar Daddy Dwayne can't even dog paddle

I asked Dwayne what he would have done if the director had wanted him to swim. 

"Well, no way I was jumping in the water!"  he said.  

He didn't even have an excuse ready, like he spotted a shark in the water.

Yes, people make up stuff on resumes. Happens all the time. Even though the potential to get caught is pretty high for actors, we still say,  "Sure, I ride [check one: ___skateboards, ___motorcycles, ___bulls] like a pro."

What if Dwayne and I book this gig but he has a seizure because it turns out he IS allergic to the product? We'll BOTH get fired because we were hired as a COUPLE.

So my advice, husbands and wives?  Don't lie. Don't cheat. Safeguard the keys to each other's hearts. Learn to swim. Forget bull riding.



  1. Anonymous30.10.09

    Hollywood is all illusion that's for sure. What's even worse is when actors get married in real life for pretend (i.e. Tom Cruise-Katie Holm or more recently Lamar Odem-Kloe Kardashian). Sad that fame makes people do so many stupid things, but the public buys into it and it's what makes people rich so if that's the price you have to pay, most people are willing to pay it.

  2. haha... funny story, good message. :)

  3. anonymous-hmm, lots of truth there.
