Oct 20, 2009

Popping Pills

Heath Ledger 1979 - 2008. Photo:  FanPop
Got quite a greeting from a childhood friend I hadn't seen in years. "I heard you'd become a drug addict," Julie told me.

Despite some pretty self-destructive behavior growing up, heaven must have assigned an army of angels to keep me from popping or injecting all the drugs I've been offered.
I've worked at TV stations across the country - yet I've never seen as much drug abuse as in LA, especially the prescription kind.

This Hollywood exec I know is a walking pharmaceutical ad: stress meds, anti-depressants, diet pills, sleeping pills...one accidental OD away from death.
She told me she wants off all the pills but can't cope without them. Once when she left a prescription vial on her desk, I wrote down the doctor's name. You know, in case she died. And there was an investigation...

I've lost track of her but hear through the grapevine she's doing alright.
The desire to escape. Most of us get it. So did Heath Ledger. Michael Jackson. Anna Nicole Smith. River Phoenix. Chris Farley. Kurt Cobain -  artists forever silenced by drugs. Anna Nicole once told a reporter, "Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and will always be." I hope she's finally found the peace no pill can offer.

By the way, Julie, the closest I've come to being a drug addict was auditioning to play one in the movie, Rent.  They didn't cast me.  Guess the director felt I wasn't really believable as a crackhead since I edited out all the foul language.

And thanks for the angel army, God.



  1. at some point, i'm going to be doing a followup on this post with some true stories from friends following over on fb.
