Dec 13, 2013

Awards Season & Body Image Video

Attending a screening of 'August: Osage County' with George Clooney, Julia Roberts & cast 
It's that time of year again - Hollywood awards season!  

The studios host screenings to boost their film's chances to take home statues at the Oscars, SAG Awards, Golden Globes and more. Being a member of the Screen Actors Guild pays for itself this time of year when invites outnumber spam in the inbox.

My co-host, Danika Brysha, and I sat a few feet from George Clooney, Julia Roberts and cast members of August: Osage County at a recent screening. 

Danika and I were celebrating our last night together in LA since she's heading East to rock the plus size modeling world. Before she left, we shot this video on handling body image issues. 

I've written pretty extensively on the topic here in my blog since it's been an on-going struggle for me and I know for many of you. You can read more by clicking "body image" on the topics section.  Also, I'm contributing to the health and fitness site, Feel Rich, so check that out for ideas about becoming your best self. 

Have a fabulous holiday season!

Dec 2, 2013

'Throw Away Your Scale to Lose Weight for Life' Article Published!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday season! Wanted to share some exciting news.  My article, "Throw Away Your Scale to Lose Weight for Life," is on the front of the health and fitness website, Feel Rich.  Feel Rich is run by music mogul Quincy Jones' son to promote health as the new wealth. 

Check out the full article here:  Throw Away Your Scale to Lose Weight for Life.  Thanks for your support everyone!

Nov 7, 2013

The Image in the Mirror

Thrilled to be shooting a web series with Wilhelmina Models Danika Brysha!  Danika's a plus-size model helping girls and women fight eating disorders and body image issues. 

I think every woman wrestles with the reflection in the mirror at some time.  At my first TV job, viewers would tell me I was too fat. To my face.  And then I'd go home and look in a mirror that also condemned me...

I still don't own a full length mirror. 

I've written about the pressure to be thin in TV before and how it nearly sabotaged my career (click here to read) but I've never really shared the depth of the issue.  

That's why I love partnering with Danika - because she's so vulnerable and honest about her journey as you'll see in our latest video:

We plan to shoot a few videos before she heads to New York to take her modeling career to the next level. We'd love your feedback and check out my Facebook page for more.

Oct 9, 2013

When Fat is not Beautiful - Part 2

 photo: by Danika Brysha
Almost ready to launch a YouTube series with Wilhelmina models Danika Brysha!  Body image issues are paramount in our careers so when I saw the image above from a photo shoot, I wanted to share the story behind it.  

I wrote in, When Fat is Not Beautiful part 1, about the wakeup call that forced me to admit I was on my way to becoming obese.  People keep asking me how I lost weight so here's how I did it - without dieting or stepping on a scale!

Q:  What made you decide to lose weight?
I'd been a yo-yo dieter since I was a teenager but over the years I'd lost the energy and motivation to even try to maintain a healthy weight. I was in denial about how much I was gaining until I saw a family photo and didn't recognize myself in it.

Q:  How much had you gained?
About 50 pounds - which is hard to hide when you're only 5'2"!

Q:  Did you feel out of place working in Hollywood with women who are size 0-2?
Women here often lose too much weight but, yes, I did feel self-conscious. Unhappiness was a big factor. I was working a super stressful job that paid well but left no time for my TV career.  I'd go to bed in tears on Sunday dreading the pressure I'd face at work the next day.  I was eating meals at my desk, skipping exercise and numbing emotions with desserts from a nearby French bakery.

Q:  What made you realize you were out of control?
Last year I decided to exercise more.  I'd played sports in school so jogging seemed like a good place to start.  I thought I was going to have a heart attack after two blocks!  Morbid obesity runs in my family but I never thought it could happen to me.  Yet, without some sort of intervention, I had to admit that I could wind up like my relatives who died of weight-related causes. Fat is not beautiful when it's a killer.

Q:  So you went on a diet?
Well, I didn't know how to diet in a healthy way.  In the past, I'd starved to lose weight. I knew I needed to change my mindset if I was going to change my life for good.

Q:  What do you mean?
I needed to educate myself.  For example, I'd never paid attention to calories.  I thought I was eating healthy since I shopped at Whole Foods.  I was shocked to learn some foods packed a whopping 1,000 calories for the serving size I was eating!  I had to learn portion control; growing up that had simply meant stopping after the third or fourth plate at the all-you-can-eat-buffet!

Q:  Were you losing weight?
Not right away but that was okay since I didn't have the pressure of trying to see a number drop on a scale since I had decided not to weigh myself.

Q:  Not weigh yourself? That doesn't add up!
The scale had always been 'the enemy.'  I wanted to weigh less than what those body mass charts recommended - like Zoe Saldana and other stars - but the scale always made me feel like a failure since I could never lose enough.  This time I judged success differently. When I ran four blocks instead of two, that was success.  When I chose vegetables instead of processed foods, that was success.

Q:  I can't wrap my mind around not weighing yourself or going on a diet to lose weight.
I know, it's counterintuitive. It took me a while, too, but I had to take the focus off a number - off of getting skinny - and focus on prolonging my life.

Q:  What else did you do?
I didn't make any changes unless I could maintain them for life.  That was a major shift because "bad" foods had been off-limits when my goal was to be thin at any cost.  For example, I didn't want to quit chocolate so I learned to savor small amounts.  It was a radical new relationship with food! 

Q:  So it was lifestyle and attitude changes?
Exactly.  And instead of coming from that place of condemnation and self-hatred like diets often make you feel, it came from treating myself well, being okay when I screw up, not hating myself because of my jean size.

Q:  So how did you know when you reached your goal if you don't know what you weigh?
The day I ran 13 miles.

Q:  Wow!  How long did that take?
I'd been running about a year at that point.  I needed time to develop a healthy relationship with exercise, too. I'd been compulsive about it in the past, like punishing myself for overindulging by working out until 3:00 a.m. Now, exercise is a gift I give myself; plus resting a day or two each week.  Running long distances takes time but I figure if my friends who are moms can do it, I can, too.

Q:  What would you tell someone who feels hopeless and hates their body?
Give yourself grace.  It's hard to look in the mirror and hate the image you see but be gentle with yourself.  Maybe like me, you need to heal your mind and spirit before your body can change.  Growing up I despised my thick 'runner's legs' as a date called them. hips. knees.  Now I celebrate that those parts of my body carry me to places I never dreamed.  You are special because you are God's divine creation, not because of how you look.  You are eternally loved.  You can do yoga or bike or diet all you want but those things can never show you heaven's view of you.

Q:  Anything else?
Change carries a price. I quit my day job. It was hard to give up the security but I had to in order to change my life and chase my dreams - that's another story though.
Harder to lose weight than walk on water? Seems like it!  Read about the crisis of faith that led me to lose weight in When Fat is Not Beautiful here

Sep 9, 2013

When Fat is not Beautiful

People who say losing weight won't change your life have probably never been fat. Really fat. Like when your company sends out a flyer about a pig roast and someone puts a picture of your face on it...

Obesity was hereditary in my family long before it became our national epidemic. Many relatives have died prematurely of weight-related causes. Stroke. Diabetes. Heart disease.

Fat is not beautiful when it is an ugly, unforgiving killer... when the doctors cut off my grandmother's legs to try to save her from the ravages of diabetes. Like when I found a cousin collapsed on the stairs and thought she'd died in a fall. "When you got this much weight to carry," she said, "you gotta rest." (there were only about 20 steps). Like when my favorite uncle got burned up in a grease fire cooking foods doctors had warned him to stop eating.

About two years ago I saw a family Christmas photo and didn't recognize myself in it. Who moves to Hollywood and GAINS 50 pounds?! At just over 5' tall, there's not much room to hide the fact that you've put on the weight of a baby hippo.

But, hey, society said I could blame an obesity gene. hormones. poor school lunches. McDonald's. So I did.

Until I couldn't anymore.

One evening I decided to jog (something I hadn't done in about a decade)...made it a block and a half before I had to stop - breathing heavy, pulse pounding, afraid I might die of a heart attack on the sidewalk.

What had I done to myself?

No mystery there. High-stress job. Chained to a desk all day. Crappy diet. Lack of exercise. That stubborn obesity gene.

I've always been curvy - probably lost and gained 500 pounds in my life - but I knew this time that if something didn't change radically, I'd be the one collapsing on the stairs. 

I was at a crisis of fat. And faith.

See, I believed in God, even believed He could do miracles. But help me overcome a fat gene? Or a tub of hot-buttered movie theater popcorn? He had bigger problems than jiggly thighs.

And yet, without divine intervention, I saw myself lying in that hospital bed - body wracked with obesity-related diseases, legs cut off, heart straining to pump blood through clogged arteries.

Night after night I'd go to the beach, look up into the heavens and wrestle with my relationship with God. And Panda Express Orange Chicken. 

Scientists say our genes seal our future - sexual orientation, addict, cancer, obesity - set at birth. The Bible says with God we can conquer anything.

Scientists say for women of a certain age hormones virtually guarantee weight gain. The Bible says God is the author of our lives.

One night a story came to me. A wicked storm at sea. A boat of terrified fishermen. A ghost walking on the waves. "Jesus?" Peter, the impulsive one, is at a crisis of faith. "If it's you," Peter says, "bid me come to you." If it's you, Jesus, help me do the impossible...

"Come," Jesus says. 

We know what Peter does next...

In my neighborhood there's a place called the California Incline. For six years I'd watched ridiculously fit people run up that quarter-mile hill. 

Then leaving the beach one night, I looked up the hill and heard Peter's words echo in my heart. "If it's you, Jesus, bid me come..."

...A year later I run up that incline all the time - AND I'm getting ready for my first half-marathon!

Yes, the weight's gone but it was never about a number or a size.  I'll be writing more about the changes I made for a health and fitness website and hope my story will inspire others to wrestle with their faith when it comes to obesity.

Because losing weight may not only change your life, it may save it.

Seem radical to throw away your scale and quit dieting to lose weight?  How it worked for me in part 2 of "When Fat is Not Beautiful," click here.

Aug 13, 2013

Rock the Room

getting ready for a SAG national commercial audition
Lately I've been focusing all my attention on 'getting in the room.'  Hollywood is so competitive that it's a full-time job pursuing opportunities in entertainment. 

At a recent SAG national commercial casting audition, the director even posted a notice letting us know we were one of the few people chosen out of up to 2,000 candidates for EACH role!

I started the year off by saying I was going to take some risks in 2013.  Well, the big news is that I quit my day job! 

Saying goodbye to a position I'd held for almost five years - and the lucrative, steady paycheck - is terrifying!  But I hadn't been able to audition so it was time to make a choice.

From now until November is episodic season when sessions are held to cast roles for upcoming TV shows. It will be a big change from going to the office everyday but I'm excited to be a able to audition, workout much more and take on creative projects. 

And for you, whatever you do, rock the room!

-- Backstage magazine ran a great article about episodic season from casting director Caroline Liem, click here.  

Jul 3, 2013

Hotshots 6.30.13

Photo: City of Prescott AZ
One of the reasons I've moved away from strictly reporting hard news into TV hosting is that some stories now affect me in a way that kills a broadcast news career.  

Such is the case with the deaths of the 19 Prescott firefighters - The Hotshots.

Some of my first big stories as a reporter were covering National Forest Service hotshot crews for an Oregon TV station.  The station would often use stringers (freelancers) to get footage from remote mountain areas but if a fire threatened lives and structures, we got the assignment.

What had started as a controlled brush fire in Eastern Oregon was turning into a raging inferno when we got the call.  The fire was burning so hot, it had jumped a river.

A photographer and I met the captain at a base camp before heading to the fire line. We would follow him in our truck to get footage from a safe place; crazy that you can literally walk to the edge of a fire line and not even get singed. 

The scene at a wildfire isn't nearly as chaotic as when a building is burning in a densely populated city. I'm seldom afraid covering natural disasters and that day was no different.  We don't think about dying, we simply do our jobs.  This is what we signed up for.

"Get out! Get out now!"  There was no warning.  In a flash, the wildfire had shifted direction.  We were trapped by an inferno on three sides.

We raced to the trucks but turning a satellite rig around on a narrow dirt road is no simple maneuver.  We hit the bank, nearly tipping.  In these situations, it's not seconds that determine whether you live or die, it's a fraction of a second.

Reporting has made me aware there is no such thing as luck.  Luck cannot keep a truck upright, set its tires straight and turn it to exactly the right degree to slip through an inferno - in a fraction of a second.

For the Granite Mountain Hotshots, a fraction of a second was not enough time.

We ache with the families. I've spent the last few days bearing the weight of a sorrow that makes no sense in the natural. I've come to understand this unexplainable grief I feel over certain stories is a God thing - ironic for someone who spent half a lifetime running from Him. 

There's a spiritual definition called "intercession" but to me it's just means you literally feel heaven's burden on earth.  Yet, it isn't a hopeless grieving, but one that says there is divine purpose yet to be fulfilled.  We often can't see the greater reason but heaven can.

'What went wrong?'  In this intercession place, it's not a question to place blame but, like Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemene, pouring out the weight of sorrow.

Tears are of little use to a reporter; no weeping on the nightly news.  Foolish girl, my mind warns, Stop crying for strangers. And instantly the heart responds by shutting down.

Until the tears keep falling anyway...Tears won't bring back the Prescott firefighters  but they will honor the heroes who gave their lives on their last call. 6.30.13.
A Facebook page has been set up in memory of the 19 Prescott firefighters

Jun 24, 2013

Pt. 4 Keeping Up wiith the Kardashians - Five Tips for Your First Facial

I've been breaking my promise not to cover the Kardashians and sharing some of their hot spots in my neighborhood. I wasn't ready to visit LaserAway, which was featured on a recent episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians with Kim and her sister getting wax jobs (did anyone really need to see that?!) but I was ready for the A-list spa treatment. 

Thanks to a gift certificate, I decided to get my first-ever spa facial at Burke Williams, a popular choice for stars like Eva Longoria, Hilary Duff and others.
Eva Longoria heading into Burke Williams West Hollywood. Photo:  Splash News
Celebrities spend a fortune to keep their faces in top condition. If you've been wondering whether a spa facial is worth the investment, read on for tips on how to find the best skin care expert for you.

1. Decide what kind of setting you want for your facial
Maybe you don't need a posh setting but I definitely wanted the luxe ambiance and included use of amenities Burke Williams offers. The Santa Monica location isn't impressive from the street but inside awaits the ultimate A-list experience.

2. Get referrals
I had asked a former BW masseuse for names of her favorite therapists and also asked celebrity beauty expert Dana Waldie for advice on the best type of facial for my skin type. Dana recommended microdermabrasion after I interviewed her about the trend (read the interview here).

Since all estheticians must meet educational and licensing standards, those factors won't help narrow your choices.  Esthetician Renee Rouleau has a post on how to find a pro in your area here.

3. Rock the consultation
Ask whether the spa offers a free consultation in advance.  Arriving at Burke Williams, a host led us to our lockers to change before we met with the esthetician.
Burke Williams lounge
Bare naked ladies alert! The European-style spa is bathing suits optional (an adjustment for us more modest Midwesterners).  After changing into the spa's plush robes and slippers, a therapist led my sisters and I to our treatment rooms. The facialist, Sheila, took time examining my skin and listening to my needs and concerns.

4. During the facial
Asks lots of questions to see if you and the esthetician have good chemistry.  Sheila put me at ease explaining how the products wouldn't irritate my sensitive skin. 

When it was time for the treatment, Sheila even performed the microderm using gentle plant extracts instead of more abrasive methods.

BW's Spa Style Facial includes cleansing and hydrating masques, upper body and foot massage and paraffin wax dip to soften hands. Glad I opted for the 80-minute treatment instead of 50 minutes - so relaxing!

At the end of my session, Sheila gave me written recommendations to help maintain my skin's glow. The only reason I would take away points is that I did feel pressured to buy additional spa services and products.

5. After the facial
Wait a few days to see how your skin responds. Ultimately, I felt the $160 facial was worth the cost.

Good luck finding the perfect skin care expert for you!
How to get that flawless makeup look - tips with celeb beauty expert Dana Waldie in part 3 of my "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" series here.

Jun 16, 2013

Pt. 3: Keeping Up with the Kardashians - Tips for a Flawless Face

Paparazzi snap Kim Kardashian (pre-baby) in Santa Monica
Get ready for "Kimye" madness covering everything from the newest Kardashian's first burps to her million dollar drool.  It will be a circus as paparazzi try to get shots of Kim's post-baby looks when she returns to her Santa Monica hotspots.

In part 3 of my Keeping Up with the Kardashians series, I ask celebrity beauty expert Dana Waldie of A Makeover Muse what celebs like Kim use to keep their faces camera-ready. 
Shay:  What kinds of products do stars use to get that flawless look?

Dana:  First, you need a good skin care regimen (see our interview here).  Next would be foundation. A great product that a ton of makeup artists use is Armani. The texture is extremely smooth and it almost feels like it has a built-in primer.

Shay:  The makeup artists for a talk show I just did also recommended it. They said it has a great range of colors, which is important for women of color.

Dana:  Absolutely. It used to be an industry secret but now you read about it everywhere.  It ranges from $49 to $95 depending on the formulation so it's an investment but it lasts a while.

Shay:  That is a bite out of the wallet.

Dana:  Yes, and even before applying the foundation you may want a primer.  The primer from Hourglass Cosmetic is fantastic.  It's fragrance-free and uses minerals instead of chemicals. It also has sunblock SPF of 15 or 30.  It runs about $50-55.

Shay:  What does primer do for our makeup application?

Dana:  Primer is your base so it seals in your makeup application, fills in fine lines and adds longevity to help your makeup withstand heat, humidity and sweat.

Shay:  Any powder recommendations to complete the look?

Dana:  One of my favorites is by La Bella Donna.  Her mineral makeup line is superb. You don't get that heavy, caked-on look and don't need foundation since the loose powder acts as foundation and powder in one.

Shay:  We're talking high-end but I'm all for simplicity so being able to cut a step or two is great.

Dana:  If you do need more coverage, concealer is key. Vincent Longo cream concealer has colors that blend with almost any skin tone.  It's $28 and you can use it under the eyes, for spot treatment, blemishes and redness.

Shay:  Perfect. We're ready for our close-up!
Pamper yourself like a Kardashians at the spa - how to find the best treatments for you in part 4 of my Keeping Up with the Kardashians series here.

Jun 9, 2013

Pt. 2: Keeping Up with the Kardashians - Behind the Scenes of My TV Pilot

E! photo
The pampered Hollywood lifestyle is about as far from my background as you can get. Raised on US military bases, we learned how to salute and survive in the wilderness; in Hollywood, it's all about appearance - like how to apply airbrushed makeup or cover the breasts in sheer tops (Band-aids. Really).

For someone who still prefers combat boots to high heels, I have to step out of my comfort zone when I'm working on camera.  As part of my Keeping Up with the Kardashians series, I take you behind the scenes to show what it's like shooting a TV show pilot.  

I'm on set all week with the team behind blockbuster films like Chronicles of Narnia, The Passion of the Christ and The Secret Life of Bees as they expand their film-making success into TV (in case you're wondering, a "pilot" is basically a test episode for TV decision-makers to see.  Most shows start as pilots before getting picked up as series). 

Like any woman, the Kardashians don't roll out of bed looking flawless.  But unlike most of us, they have a team of stylists at hand.  To me, that's one of the best parts of working on camera - so nice to have someone else take care of hair, makeup and wardrobe while you simply relax, talk or even nap!
In the makeup room
I did channel my inner Kim K. a few times, vetoing some choices like airbrushed foundation that masked my skin's natural brightness and hairstyles needing extra hold since hairspray breaks off my fine hair.

Another great thing: craft services. Who doesn't love a buffet? I arrived at my call time each morning and fueled up on scrambled eggs, fresh strawberries, pineapple, grapes and melon. 

I try to avoid gluten and sugar so stayed away from the sandwich and dessert trays (although I did sneak a brownie or two!).  My vice: drinking caffeinated soda for the long hours on set.

Of course, there are the less glam times on a production, like long wait times between segments for set and lighting adjustments. And deadline pressures and creative differences can lead to friction but fortunately our cast and crew got along well.
On set of the talk show pilot
We shot four pilot episodes over two days dishing on everything from sex to marriage to afterlife but we won't know the show's future for several months.  
Check out part 3 of my Kardashians series with tips on how to get a flawless face here.

Jun 3, 2013

Pt. 1: Keeping Up With the Kardashians - Younger Looking Without Injections

I'm breaking my promise not to cover the Kardashians. Sorry!  I'm sure fans caught the premiere of  Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Some segments are shot in my Santa Monica neighborhood so I'll be sharing some of their hot spots.

This is a month for breaking out of my tomboy shell - shooting a talk show pilot for women, testing spa facials and checking in to a luxury villa.  

Since I'll be getting my first facial soon, I asked celebrity beauty expert Dana Waldie for recommendations.  I'm not interested in trying the 'Bloody Vampire' facial Kim debuted on a recent show, but I do want to test the hottest trend in Hollywood: microdermabrasion.

Microdermabrasion is nicknamed the "lunchtime peel" since you can go back to work right after the facial. The procedure is painless and leaves you with younger looking skin without the use of chemicals or needles.

Shay: What is microdermabrasion?

Dana: Microdermabrasion is a mechanical form of exfoliation almost like a little vacuum you'll feel on your skin. It sucks up the dead skin cells and will literally make your face feel as smooth as a baby's bottom. 

Shay: What is it doing for the skin?

Dana:  The best candidates are people with pigmented, sun-damaged skin, oily skin and anyone concerned about anti-aging prevention because it reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

It's not for people with acne breakouts because that will spread the bacteria and someone with rosacea or sensitive skin should never have microdermabrasion performed.

Shay:  So you can get microderm that morning and rock the room that night!

Dana: One caution, I don't recommend the form of treatment that spits out little sand granules because that can scratch the surface of your skin. A few places offer a diamond-tipped wand, which is definitely a luxury high-end service. 

Shay:  Can't wait to try it!   
Dana also says microdermabrasion isn't permanent and works best when done every 4-6 weeks. Check out more info in Dana's blog here and also in this piece from top experts on the procedure.

How to get a flawless face and find the best spa treatments for you as my "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" series continues.

May 27, 2013

Managing Emotions before a Photo Shoot

I've been writing about my battle with camera shyness despite working in TV and dealing with emotions before a shoot. Then, almost as if it were timed, I get a call that a celebrity photographer wants to fit me into a last-minute opening. 

I knew I had to jump on the opportunity even though I was waiting to hear if a family member would make it through surgery 2,000 miles away. Here's how I managed the day in case it helps anyone else.
9:00 am:  Shower. Wash/blow dry hair (yogurt facial mask applied day before).

10:00 am:  Photographer had suggested wearing black dress. I only wear LBD's at red carpet events and funerals. Picked one I wear to funerals. Pack:
  • fuschia tank top and blouse, purple business top, black skirt
  • skinny jeans, denim jacket, silver belt, black booties (oops, forgot pumps)
  • necklace, diamond stud earrings 
10:30 am: Practice poses while waiting for call from hospital to take my mind off things (it may feel stupid but the mirror really helps!).

11:30 am:  Walk to mall to look for dress. Shopping fail.

2:15 pm:  Shower again. Style hair. Apply makeup in natural shades. Lancome Teint Idole foundation, blush, MAC Blotting Powder, YSL Golden Gloss, liner, mascara.

3:20 pm:  Finish packing (remember blotting cloths, lint remover, charger, etc.).  Get a call that my relative made it through surgery! 

4:00 pm:  Traffic, grrrr. Rush hour + construction + Dodgers game = tortuous crawl. Running late. Feeling tense.

5:10 pm:  Meet photographer.  Perfect light, known as 'magic hour' just before sunset when light is soft and casts few shadows.

6:30 pm:  Wrap! Photographer works fast.

1:30 am:   Night owls - photographer sends raw shots to review.

2:30 am: Winner!
Something that helped me focus despite the emotional challenges was to view things like an artist.  Artists often name their work and use it to channel their emotions so that's what I did.  I called the shoot, 'Surrender,"  as a statement of trusting God even when facing the possible loss of a loved one.

On the practical side, packing a day or two before the shoot helps reduce stress; so does avoiding sugar and caffeine.  For expert advice from the photographer on rocking your shoot, check out my article, 'Camera Shy?  Tips to Photograph Like a Celebrity.' 
Model Jen Brook as some fantastic posing tips in her blog:  

May 20, 2013

DIY Hair Care Tips

Entertainers like Rihanna and Katy Perry spend fortunes to keep their locks looking glam. That's impractical for most of us without seven-figure recording contracts so I asked celebrity beauty expert Dana Waldie of A Makeover Muse for some of the best natural ways to get healthy, shiny hair at home.

Dana:  The first treatment is for hair that's prone to residue and build-up.  Mix baking soda with water until it forms a thick paste, put it in your hair for 15 minutes and it should get rid of residue in the hair.

Shay:  Why baking soda?

Dana:  Baking soda helps to degrease or you can also use something for oily or greasy hair.  One of my favorites is a DIY dry shampoo.  Just sprinkle cornmeal or cornstarch on dry hair, let it sit for about 10 minutes and then brush it out. You can do this every other day to help absorb oil without washing your hair.

Shay:  That's great for traveling when we might not be able to wash every day.

Dana:  Exactly.  You can also do a treatment for hair that's dry and dehydrated from chemicals or using flat irons and blow dryers.  Just take honey - a natural humectant so it locks in moisture; massage a half-cup into damp hair and let it sit for about 20 minutes then rinse with warm water.

And for dull, lifeless hair, use  Greek yogurt, which naturally has lactic acid so it helps exfoliate and lift the build-up from your hair. Mix it with sour cream, which has fat so it adds moisture.  Massage it in and let it sit for 20 minutes then rinse and shampoo as you normally would. 

Shay:  These sound perfect for summer when the sun or being at the beach might cause problems with hair.

Try it at home!
Remember to use organic ingredients to avoid unwanted chemicals.  Check out Dana's product recommendations at

May 13, 2013

DIY for That Celeb Look - Natural Beauty Remedies Pt. 2

It's makeover Monday over on my Facebook page!  Our beauty expert is transforming even us tomboys with super easy celebrity beauty tips.  

Pollution, ocean air and hard water can make it tough to keep skin glowing, especially in LA, so I've been applying the yogurt facial mask and lemon she recommended for a clearer complexion. My skin definitely looks and feels healthier. 

I was curious about which stars use yogurt masks and look whose face popped up first in a Google search! Yes, yours truly.

In June, I'll take you inside the spas and salons in my neighborhood where mega-rich babes like Zoe Saldana and Megan Fox pay a fortune for A-list treatments. To get the look at home, I asked celeb beauty expert Dana Waldie for tips to do-it-yourself.

Shay:  Natural beauty remedies - what should be on our shopping list?

Dana:  Sugar has natural glycolic acid that helps condition and moisturize the skin and protect from toxins.  Sugar won't clog pores so you can mix it with an at-home exfoliator and it helps eliminate blemishes. You can also mix it with conditioner as a scalp treatment to rid dandruff and it's also good for curly hair.

Shay:  If only sugar in cupcakes was good for us!   

Dana:  My weakness!  Another one of my favorites is Greek yogurt, which has natural lactic acid and is great for exfoliation.  Even people with the most sensitive skin can use it as a mask and it won't irritate skin. 

Shay:  I'm a convert. I tried the facial mask again and my skin felt even better.

Dana:  If you maintain that weekly, you'll really start to see the glow.

Try it at home!
Check out Dana's blog here for links to her favorite natural brands.  For my review of the popular Greek yogurt facial mask and to try it yourself, click here.

May 5, 2013

DIY to Get That Celeb Look - Natural Beauty Remedies

It's makeover Monday from over on my Facebook page! Loving the beauty tips we've been getting from our celebrity beauty expert - and they don't cost a fortune.

In fact, you might already have nature's answers to flawless skin in your kitchen!  For example, honey was one of Cleopatra's secrets to a perfect complexion. Check out these amazing DIY beauty remedies from my interview with Dana Waldie of A Makeover Muse.

Shay:  What are your favorite natural remedies that we should look for the next time we're at the grocery store?

Dana:  First is coconut oil - a product I can't live without since it's so versatile. You can take coconut oil right from the jar, put it on a cotton pad and use it as an eye makeup remover. You can use it as a hair conditioner. And it's great as a body moisturizer and helps reverse signs of sun damage.

Shay:  So we'll smell a little like coconut - perfect since I live at the beach!  What's next on our shopping list?

Dana:  Next is honey, which is an all-natural disinfectant and humectant that helps attract and and retain moisture.  It gives you a hydrated, dewy look but won't cause you to break out and has no man-made chemicals or compounds like a commercial moisturizer. It's been said Cleopatra used honey as a cleanser for her flawless skin. You just rub a dime-size amount over the skin and it will remove makeup and rinses off with water.  You can also mix it in masks, scrubs and lotions for extra moisturizing.

Next is lemon, which has vitamin C and helps reduce pigmentation and sunspots. It's great for oily types to help cut that greasy look.  You just cut a lemon in half, rub it over your face and then rinse with water.

Shay:  You mentioned organic.  Why is that important if we're not eating these products?

Dana:  Your skin is the largest organ in the body so it will absorb any chemicals in products.  That's why I suggest buying organic for anything you're putting directly on the skin.

Try it at home!
Check out Dana's blog here for links to her favorite natural brands. Feel free to leave a comment with questions or topics you want us to cover.