Nov 28, 2012

Hope, Meet Miracle.

Soon the river that runs behind my brother's house in the Midwest will be frozen solid.  Visiting for the holidays, I found myself wishing the calendar said spring already.  


Still, it was almost as if the bright winter light held a message.  Wait.  Something new is the right time. 

When you've waited a long time - years, decades - for a dream to be fulfilled, that place in your heart eventually starts to feel desolate.  

Maybe, like me, you've waited for a spouse.  Barren.  

Or a breakthrough.  Barren.  

Or a child.  Barren. 

And yet...hope holds on.

I'm not one of those "name it and claim it" Christians.  Faith is no guarantee every desire will be fulfilled.  But there are some that carry a promise; those ones will come to pass.  At the right time.

But how do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt whether a dream is a mere yearning or a sealed promise from God?

At the river bank, I see a glimpse past the barrenness - to spring; forests teeming with new life.  And somehow I know, again, that I'm standing on a promise.  There is a peace that comes when you trust a matter is settled in heaven.  

And you know an introduction is about to be made.  Hope, meet miracle.


  1. Love this. Reminds me of the "See, I am doing a new thing! Even now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" verse. It goes on to say, "I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43: 19). Sounds to me like the barrenness becomes bygone. KR

  2. thanks Kris! i love that. i know that you are right on! blessings in hawaii.
