Photo: Seardig Photography on Etsy |
You've been faithfully running toward the finish line - maybe pursuing a creative dream or losing weight - and you're finally seeing real progress. Yay! You may only be taking baby steps but you're still moving forward.
...Only to find that your hard work and dedication has led to a crossroads: quit or feel like you're going to die trying anymore.
You've got to make some decisions that will shape the next season of your life but you're beaten down by the sheer weight of chasing your dream. Discouraged. Broke. Too exhausted to even flash a grin at Jimmy Fallon who just walked past you at LAX (yes, that happened).
Like Dorothy and her entourage on the way to see the Wizard, you've hit the deadly poppy field. The valley of dry bones. The graveyard where it will require a miracle to restore your vision.
Seven years ago when I moved to Hollywood, I went to a workshop for entertainment industry newcomers. The speaker, a TV and film veteran, spoke to us bluntly.
"Only a handful of you will still be here in a few years," he said. "Of that handful, only about one percent will find success."
He wasn't trying to kill our dreams; he was trying to prepare us for the long, competitive road ahead. He was reminding us that the race doesn't necessarily go to the strong and the mighty - or to the rich and well-connected - but to those who persevere.
So don't quit. Make peace with God's pace. Keep moving forward. We'll eventually make it to the place He intended all along.