Jun 3, 2013

Pt. 1: Keeping Up With the Kardashians - Younger Looking Without Injections

I'm breaking my promise not to cover the Kardashians. Sorry!  I'm sure fans caught the premiere of  Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Some segments are shot in my Santa Monica neighborhood so I'll be sharing some of their hot spots.

This is a month for breaking out of my tomboy shell - shooting a talk show pilot for women, testing spa facials and checking in to a luxury villa.  

Since I'll be getting my first facial soon, I asked celebrity beauty expert Dana Waldie for recommendations.  I'm not interested in trying the 'Bloody Vampire' facial Kim debuted on a recent show, but I do want to test the hottest trend in Hollywood: microdermabrasion.

Microdermabrasion is nicknamed the "lunchtime peel" since you can go back to work right after the facial. The procedure is painless and leaves you with younger looking skin without the use of chemicals or needles.

Shay: What is microdermabrasion?

Dana: Microdermabrasion is a mechanical form of exfoliation almost like a little vacuum you'll feel on your skin. It sucks up the dead skin cells and will literally make your face feel as smooth as a baby's bottom. 

Shay: What is it doing for the skin?

Dana:  The best candidates are people with pigmented, sun-damaged skin, oily skin and anyone concerned about anti-aging prevention because it reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

It's not for people with acne breakouts because that will spread the bacteria and someone with rosacea or sensitive skin should never have microdermabrasion performed.

Shay:  So you can get microderm that morning and rock the room that night!

Dana: One caution, I don't recommend the form of treatment that spits out little sand granules because that can scratch the surface of your skin. A few places offer a diamond-tipped wand, which is definitely a luxury high-end service. 

Shay:  Can't wait to try it!   
Dana also says microdermabrasion isn't permanent and works best when done every 4-6 weeks. Check out more info in Dana's blog here and also in this piece from top experts on the procedure.

How to get a flawless face and find the best spa treatments for you as my "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" series continues.

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