Dec 13, 2013

Awards Season & Body Image Video

Attending a screening of 'August: Osage County' with George Clooney, Julia Roberts & cast 
It's that time of year again - Hollywood awards season!  

The studios host screenings to boost their film's chances to take home statues at the Oscars, SAG Awards, Golden Globes and more. Being a member of the Screen Actors Guild pays for itself this time of year when invites outnumber spam in the inbox.

My co-host, Danika Brysha, and I sat a few feet from George Clooney, Julia Roberts and cast members of August: Osage County at a recent screening. 

Danika and I were celebrating our last night together in LA since she's heading East to rock the plus size modeling world. Before she left, we shot this video on handling body image issues. 

I've written pretty extensively on the topic here in my blog since it's been an on-going struggle for me and I know for many of you. You can read more by clicking "body image" on the topics section.  Also, I'm contributing to the health and fitness site, Feel Rich, so check that out for ideas about becoming your best self. 

Have a fabulous holiday season!

Dec 2, 2013

'Throw Away Your Scale to Lose Weight for Life' Article Published!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday season! Wanted to share some exciting news.  My article, "Throw Away Your Scale to Lose Weight for Life," is on the front of the health and fitness website, Feel Rich.  Feel Rich is run by music mogul Quincy Jones' son to promote health as the new wealth. 

Check out the full article here:  Throw Away Your Scale to Lose Weight for Life.  Thanks for your support everyone!